Lottery Games by Scientific Games – New 10-Year Deal with Kentucky
A profitable partnership between the Kentucky State Lottery and Scientific Games will forge ahead for at least another decade, according to a statement from state officials. Scientific Games offers lottery ticket games and gaming technology to at least a dozen states, including Kentucky, dating back to 1989.

Kentucky State Lottery Extends Partnership With Scientific Games
During the tenure of the Scientific Games and KY State Lottery collaboration, billions of tickets have been sold, with $1.6 billion being paid to lottery retailers. The largest single beneficiary of KY lottery sales revenue goes to support students and needy families in this state of roughly 4.5 million. A large program that receives funds is the KEES Scholarship initiative.
By law, 70 cents of every dollar from lottery sales goes into the prize pool and is awarded to winners. Retailers receive five cents of every dollar, and administration is allotted five cents, as well. Twenty cents of every dollar from the Kentucky Lottery is earmarked for the “Commonwealth of Kentucky to provide funding for college scholarship and grant programs,” according to the state lottery website.
Scientific Games and the Kentucky Lottery: A Partnership Since 1989
Scientific Games has proved to be a responsible and reliable partner for Kentucky lottery efforts. Since 2018, the state has been a member of the Scientific Games Enhanced Partnership program (SGEP). Under that program, which uses cutting-edge data tools and analysis to improve the performance of state-regulated lotteries, Kentucky has burgeoned into one of the 20 top-performing lotteries in the nation, according to SG.
“The Kentucky Lottery has always taken an innovative, collaborative approach to growing its Scratch-Off product category,” said John Schulz, President of Americas and Global Instant Products for Scientific Games.
$5 Billion Raised for Kentucky Educational Scholarships and Grants
Since Scientific Games began its partnership with the Kentucky lottery more than three decades ago, more than $5 billion has been raised for scholarships and other educational grants via ticket sales.
The unique game titles from SG have led Kentucky to continue its relationship, and the revenue that pours into state coffers is hard to ignore.
“The Kentucky Lottery is always looking for new and exciting games to offer our players and retailers, and the Lottery’s continued partnership with Scientific Games will ensure we are doing just that”, said Mary Harville, President and Chief Executive Officer for the Kentucky Lottery.